ICF Mentoring for Coaches

At Coach Life Play Life, we also offer ICF ACC and PCC mentoring for coaches. All mentoring is carried out by Coach Divya (The Founder). With over 10,000 hours of coaching experience, our Founder and CEO, Divya Jegasundaram will mentor and support you through your journey. As your Mentor Coach, she will not only prepare you and take you through everything you need to know to become ACC or PCC accredited, but also assist you in building your business and yourselves, so that you become successful coaches in the industry.

ACC Coaching

At the ACC level, 60 hours of coach-specific education are required. This education may be earned through one or more ICF–accredited or non-accredited programs. Your Credential application path is determined by the type of education you received. Candidates for the ACC Credential must have at least 100 hours of coaching experience following the start of their coach-specific education.

PCC Coaching

At the PCC level, 125 hours of coach-specific education are required. This education may be earned through one or more ICF-accredited or non-accredited programs. Your Credential application path is determined by the type of education you received.Candidates for the PCC Credential must have at least 500 hours of coaching experience following the start of their coach-specific education.

What is Mentor Coaching?

Mentor coaching means an applicant being coached on their coaching skills, practicing coaching, building of confidence, life balance, or other topics related to the development of an applicant’s coaching skills. This requirement is intended to help applicants prepare for participation in the ICF Portfolio exam.

Who is it for?

Mentor Coaching is for professionals who have an active practice of coaching, whether they practice full-time or a few hours per week or per month.

What is its purpose?

In the context of the ICF, the mentor has an extensive knowledge of the ICF Core Competencies and checks that the mentee’s practice is aligned with those as well as the ICF Code of Ethics. In doing so, the mentor provides clarity to the mentee of what is expected of them by the ICF when they have to submit their application.